The Turkey’s Habit

I once read that turkeys have to be brought indoors during heavy rain, as they have a tendency to look up at it, filling their airways until they drown. I am not sure if this is a fact, I just love it. These folk stood here for half an hour staring up at the announcement […]


Brexit, Lies, and The US Election:

Dear American voters: Lots of English voters believed some lies from ‘real’ ‘honest’ and ‘straight talking’ politicians and newspapers, and they voted for Brexit. Then it was proved that these politicians lied to get what they wanted. Now the pound is not worth as much as it used to be. By quite a long way. […]


Parenting. What about ‘Childing?’

When your kids want something there really is no excuse available to you that they will accept. Wether it’s having another ice cream, watching another episode of Paw Patrol, not having a bath, or when you, yes YOU (remember!?) want to leave the playground, because you want a wee so much that you know one sneeze […]