A suggestion from Hackney, London regarding leaves. #BanTrump
READ MOREOn Donald Trump: #BanTrump
So aside from the obvious (Banning Donald Trump) I’d like to offer my own suggestion involving margarine. Please add your own unreasonable things to ban at #BanTrump
READ MOREOn Trend Facial Defects: An Idiots Guide
What’s hot and what’s not is of paramount importance in the topsy turvy world of fashion. We all know it’s beards, crooked noses, post war hats and thick glasses for the gents, but it seems women are now allowed imperfections too..But there is a fine line…You still have to be basically fit. with just one […]
READ MORETop 10 Unrealistic Promises for a Mother
If you manage even 2 of these you’re doing brilliantly.
READ MOREParis Attacks: What They Want
I feel so sad this morning. One of my fears, I guess is an obvious one. That our happily mixed society will be damaged forever. Then they would be winning. #ViveLaFrance
READ MOREBeing Made to Feel Sexy
I was eaves dropping in a bar: He whispered to her: “have you got your basque on?” She said “Yep.”
READ MORELast Night I Drew Tilda Swinton for AnOther Magazine
I was honoured to be invited to draw live for last nights Premier screening of the new film A Bigger Splash for AnOther Magazine and Dior. Amazing night at the Curzon, Mayfair and after that a dance at Annabel’s on Berkeley Square. Nerve racking drawing setting, but great fun! Here are 2 of my favourites: […]
READ MOREMy Section in the Guardian: Today
I didn’t mention it yet but I have a section in the Family section of the UK Guardian. It’s called ‘The Quick Guide to Family’ and is based on a series of images which started life on this blog. Here is the image in today’s copy. Inspired by how I feel sometimes:
READ MOREBranding That Turns Mums into Morons
I wandered into the store called Joules earlier. To see if they had any little girls dresses, when I noticed the brightly decorated muslin cloths. ‘Hmm pretty’ I thought, I went over, and, written in big text across the front of the packaging was written “A mum’s best friend“. “Fuck off” I thought, why not write […]