Chatting to her mate outside Sainsbury’s local on Essex Road:
READ MOREHow Not To Network….
A friend tried to help me out with an introduction to a glamorous and slightly frightening looking art lady/powerhouse. I hate it when this happens it makes my brain suddenly become entirely filled with cotton wool. Her intense eyes and general demenour told me she had little tolerance for bullshit. Or me. It went a bit […]
READ MOREI’ll Drink No Wine: Groucho Marx
One of those days that makes you think this.
READ MORESome of The Bottoms in St Tropez
I promised you some men’s bottoms to make things fair. I spent the day on the beach at St Tropez under my Parasol with my sketchbook and darkest sun glasses. Ladies and Gentlemen I am pleased to present Some of The Bottoms at St Tropez:
READ MOREBottoms In Bikinis
On Holiday in the South of France we spent the day in our swimming cosies amongst 5000 others. Here is a cross section of the bums I encountered there. Bottoms to suit all tastes I’m quite sure. I’ll do more men next week to make it fair.
READ MOREVery British Bitching
Eavesdropping again..Another great quote written down live from the table next to mine…
READ MOREAn Obedient Bridesmaid
I wrote this poem after speaking with a friend about her experience and perception of herself as a bridesmaid:
READ MOREEffortless Confessions
I found a box of eggs on the carpet in the corner behind the curtains. They were 2 months past their use by date and like small grenades ready to go off at any moment. I knew immediately who the culprit was. But I didn’t expect Such a total lack of remorse, she barely […]
A nice relaxing swim. Followed by getting changed in a room full of women who have it seems, long since past caring about privacy. I’m guessing they too have had kids.
READ MOREHow I Annoyed The Fine Artist
.Another short tale about how I annoyed someone.
READ MOREFashion Students’ Legs
My initial idea that these young women would represent all the excitement in the future of fashion was literally ripped apart. At the knees.
READ MOREThe Big Blue Finger
I am not trying to be clever, it’s just how I feel. Sorry NHS, sorry public services, sorry hard working people on shit wages. Now its time for the big blue finger.
READ MOREPolitical Leaders and Sandwiches.
A poem I wrote a little while ago regarding Thursday’s general election. I will be voting, but I will feel a little like I’m choosing a sandwich in a bad supermarket: