“There Is No Such Thing as Society”. My Thoughts Ramble on the School Run.

I was driving home from dropping my 10 year old off at school in the rain this morning, when I gave way to a stressed-looking woman, driving a car full of small kids to school. She was clutching the steering wheel like she wanted to wring its neck. I slowed down and I let her […]


Sorry to Bother you. The Moment I Realised This About Myself.

I wrote this by piecing together things I have said looking back through emails, and combining them with thoughts and feelings. It was an epiphany during a meeting, followed by a conversation with my partner. I would like to know if it resonates with anyone. I’m sorry to bother you,  but I just have this […]


The First Family Holiday Without Him

It was 1 year and 6 days ago when I decided to leave. He had been so bad that I was trembling.  Small, tiny, but resonating right through me like a hum. Right down to my cells. I still do tremble like that sometimes, and this morning is one of those times. We aren’t going […]


Back To School

The 6 weeks holidays. The End. The children have been singing Ed Sheeran throughout.(“I’m in Lurv with yer bar-de”..) It is now etched into my mind and circles around in my brain throughout meetings, discussions and even arguments – there have been a few. It’s been a pleasure, don’t get me wrong but;


Election Stress and Confusion Causes Havoc With Under Ripe Avocado In Sock.

Election stress and uncertainty can manifest itself in many ways. Laura Wallington from Nottingham caused damage to property today after putting an under ripe avocado into an odd Jojo Maman Bebe sock and swinging it about in M&S foodhall, sending whole shelves of quinoa, beetroot and couscous crashing onto the floor and ruining people’s Converse. […]


The Turkey’s Habit

I once read that turkeys have to be brought indoors during heavy rain, as they have a tendency to look up at it, filling their airways until they drown. I am not sure if this is a fact, I just love it. These folk stood here for half an hour staring up at the announcement […]


Brexit, Lies, and The US Election:

Dear American voters: Lots of English voters believed some lies from ‘real’ ‘honest’ and ‘straight talking’ politicians and newspapers, and they voted for Brexit. Then it was proved that these politicians lied to get what they wanted. Now the pound is not worth as much as it used to be. By quite a long way. […]


The Name I Remember You By #1

I am working on a new series of drawings inspired by the strange names we put in our phones. Names we put in to remember someone who, with just their name alone we may forget, or sometimes they become someone close to us but we don’t know at that moment. I on occassion have drawn […]