A Day In The Life of A Working Mum

I cycle into the campus carpark, at full pelt. To the left is where the bike cage is situated. Its 9:10am but Im only late because Lilou had to have a 20 minute poo before school. It happens 50% pf the time.  “Come on Lilou, we’re going to be late!” “But its a bad one, […]


Online Dating and The Fajita Wrap.

I don’t go on it.Then I do. Then I ignore it. Then I don’t. I hate it. But I still try it out – incase I’m about to miss someone spectacular. I’ve been ‘offline’ for almost a week, then I open up to a private message centered around the fajita wrap. He’s just an ordinary […]


The First Family Holiday Without Him

It was 1 year and 6 days ago when I decided to leave. He had been so bad that I was trembling.  Small, tiny, but resonating right through me like a hum. Right down to my cells. I still do tremble like that sometimes, and this morning is one of those times. We aren’t going […]